Home / Announcements / Excited to announce our expansion to NS, Canada

Excited to announce our expansion to NS, Canada

Expanding in NS!

We are very happy, excited and humbled to announce that Next Level Life Insurance and Financial Management services are now expanded in Nova Scotia (NS), Canada, in addition to Alberta and British Columbia!

We are thankful to all our current clients and want to ensure that our Alberta and BC clients will continue to receive the same standards and quality of service as they receive now.

We are excited!

Some of our life insurance and related products.

  • Life Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Health and Dental Individual Benefits
  • Health and Dental Group Benefits
  • Disability Insurance
  • Critical Illness Insurance

Some of the wealth management products we deal in.

  • GIC
  • RRSP
  • RESP
  • TFSA
  • RRIF
  • LIRA
  • Individual Pension Plans for business Owners
  • Open Investments

Don’t hesitate to contact us.