What is RRSP?

A registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), or retirement savings plan (RSP), is a type of financial account for holding savings and investment assets. RRSPs have various tax advantages compared to investing outside of tax-preferred accounts. They were introduced in 1957 to promote savings for retirement by employees and self-employed people. source:Wikipedia

Who is eligible for RRSP?

If you fulfill all of the below conditions then you are eligible for RRSP account

  1. If you have earned income
  2. and have Social Insurance Number and younger than 71 years
  3. and have Social Insurance Number and younger than 71 years

5 Benefits of RRSP

  1. RRSP contributions are tax-free.
  2. Your saving grows tax-free.
  3. When you retire you can convert it to get regular payment.
  4. You can borrow money from your RRSP to buy your first home.
  5. Spousal RRSP can reduce the combined tax burden.